from nxt.locator import * from nxt.motor import* from nxt.sensor import* import cv2 from time import* import numpy as np from rgb2 import* from features import detect_surf from panoram import* def connect(nameb): brick=find_one_brick(name=nameb) return brick def draw_str(dst, (x, y), s): cv2.putText(dst, s, (x+1, y+1), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1.0, (0, 0, 0), thickness = 2, lineType=cv2.CV_AA) cv2.putText(dst, s, (x, y), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1.0, (255, 255, 255), lineType=cv2.CV_AA) def console_writing(i,count): #print i if excurs[i]==0: if i==1: print 'A rostra column is a type of victory column, originating in ancient Greece and Rome where they were erected to commemorate a naval millitary victory' if i==2: print 'The Bronze Horseman is an equestrian statue of Peter the Great in Saint Peterburg, Russia. Commisioned by Catherine The Great, it was created by the French sculptor Falconet in 1833' if i==3: print 'Just a few minutes walk down the Griboedov Canal from Nevsky Prospect and Kazan Cathedral,St. Petersburgs Bank Bridge is one then worlds most beatiful pedestrian bridges, thanks to the glorious sculptures of golden-winged griffons by famous local sculptor Pavel Sokolov.At 1.85 meters, it is also the narrowest in the city, a miniature architectural gem.' if i==4: print 'Quay with Sphinxes is a quay at the Universitetskaya Embankment in Saint Peresburg, in front of the Imperial Academy of Arts. It is remarkeble for the two ansered Sphinxes that were brought fron Egypt to Russia at the height of Egyptomania in 1832.The quay was completed in 1834.' print ' ' excurs[i]=1 draw_str(img,(20,20*(count+2)),'Press ENTER for continue') while cv2.waitKey(1)<>13: block_all() cv2.imshow('img',img) def moving(): ''' while us.get_distance()<5: block_all() print 'ultra' ''' global Bool print Bool power=10 dpower=10 common=0 dm=0 key=cv2.waitKey(1) if Bool==0: if key==2490368: common=-power if key==2621440: common=power if key==2424832: dm=dpower if key==2555904: dm=-dpower,regulated=True),regulated=True) if (Bool>0) and (key==2621440):,regulated=True),regulated=True) sleep(2) block_all() print 'back' Bool=0 if (Bool>0) and (detect(40)==1): Bool=0,regulated=True),regulated=True) sleep(2) def block_all(): left.brake() right.brake() def light_if(level): znac1=right_light.get_input_values().scaled_value znac2=left_light.get_input_values().scaled_value #print znac1,znac2 if (znac127: #print '#########' st=clock() _, global template if Bool==0: for i in xrange(len(template_name)): st=clock() template=cv2.imread(template_name[i]+'.jpg') try: k=detect_hmg(img,template) except: block_all() print 'error' if k>=max_kol[i]: kol[i]=1 else: kol[i]=0 #print template_name[i]+': ',kol[i] Bool=Bool+light_if(level) count_detected=0 for i in xrange(len(template_name)): if kol[i]==1: count_detected+=1 draw_str(img,(20,20*(count_detected+1)),template_name[i]+' detected') console_writing(i+1,count_detected) draw_str(img,(20,20*(count_detected+2)),str(clock()-st)) cv2.imshow('img',img) moving() '''if clock()>20: panoram()''' #print Bool #cv2.imshow('template',template) #print clock()-st block_all() cv2.destroyAllWindows() cap.release() #'''